iCloud sign-in
I can't remember if I already had an option for iCloud sign in. Things I've seen so far:
- register (a bit annoying)
- register using Facebook, then ask for email and password (what??)
- register using Facebook, Twitter or google (not sure I like this for privacy)
- and new for me: register using iCloud (read below)
At this point, I wonder: it's a free app, why would they allow me to be only a random ID ?
Getting closer
I knew it!
And of course, the nature of this app is to get metrics from all your other account. So random ID ? Not so much.
The application in itself is quite nice, with AirPlay feature for a quick dashboard. But it's like.. Very...... V...e....r....y.... Sloooooooooow. Feels like my iPhone 4 when I'm using it on 3G.
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