Using AirWatch with Munki

So you want to use AirWatch, but you're unsure about the viability of their Self Service or package management system. I understand. Let me show you how to do it basically. 

You need 3 Devices > File/Actions:

  1. Munki Tools: Download and install latest release. Then upload it to /Library/AW and set Manifest to Install=/Library/AW/munkitools-xx.yy.pkg
  2. Munki Bootstrap: Run=/usr/bin/touch /Users/Shared/.com.googlecode.munki.checkandinstallatstartup
  3. Munki Forcerun: Run=/usr/local/munki/managedsoftwareupdate --auto

I'm aware Forcerun is bad practice and you should reboot before. But I was told by Greg that worst case scenario nothing works until next reboot. I think I'm safe enough.

You need 1 Devices > Products:

  1. Create a product that includes the three File/Actions before.

You need 1 Devices > Profiles:

  1. Custom Settings
    <string>MacLovin - Munki (Demonstration Setup)</string>
    <true />

Now have fun and let me know!